Bus evacuations at Locust
Board of Education April Election - 4 Seats There are 4 school board member seats that will be coming up on the April ballot. Qualifications include but are not limited to: United States Citizen, Resident of the State of Illinois and of the School District for at least one year preceding election, at least 18 years of age, can not be employed by the district. For further information and to request a petition packet, please contact Maureen Matzer at 815-568-8323.
Soccer we are working on today are dribbling, passing, trapping, and shooting!
First day of “Flags” #fitness
Awesome First Day!
VERY Important
At 1:00 pm an email will be sent with a chart sharing information about our Return to School Plan. MOST IMPORTANTLY—there is a link to a form where you will indicate your choice. Thank you for your patience in this process.
A la 1:00 pm se enviara un correro electronicion sombre nuestro plan de regresso a la escuela. Los mad importante es un enlace a un formulario donee indicara su eleccion. Gracias pos su paciencia.