8th Grade Student of the Week!! Eileen Ponce - Courageous, Isabella Mendoza - Sweet, Kyle Johnston - Consistent
7th Grade Student of the Week!!
Liam Fricke - Helpful, Olivia Kanaly - Respectful, Ayla Gilissen - Bright, Austin Wares - Diligent,
This weeks Student f the Week!
6th Grade Bernardo Martinez - Energetic, Felix Jaramillo Veliz - Positive, Dana Ceaca Ciaca - Cheerful, Karla Montes - Hard working
Select middle school students spending the day in Harvard for Honor band with over 100 students from the area!
Band and choir members enjoyed a performance of Hansel and Grettel at the Lyric Opera House.
6th Grade Student of the Week!! Oliver Greene - Capable,
Ximena Diaz - Spirited, Arianna Guerre - Kind, London Herzog - Honorable
7th Grade Student of the Week!! Alivia Kaemke - Responsible, Amelia Jones - Respectful, Sam Brown - Hard worker, Ryan Schroeder - Engaged
MCMS - Student of the Week!!
Each Week the teachers are asked to nominate a student along with a word that best describes that student.
This week we would like to congratulate....
8th Grade Student of the Week!! Alex Capistran-Velazquez - Successful, Ryan Hess - Kind, Isabell Huerta - Polite
MCMS Spelling Bee participants and winner!
Mrs.Simmons 8th Grade class Caroling to Ms. Bright!
7th Grade Students fieldtrip to Springfield
Some band students joined the high school band Friday night playing at the football game! Everyone had a great time.
1st ever MCMS Golf Club finished today with working on driving at the driving range and with playing a few holes at Marengo Ridge!! A big thank you to Marengo Ridge for allowing us to use the driving ridge and play the course. Everyone did a great job, improved a lot and we hope they are developing a love for the sport of Golf!! Can’t wait to do it again next year!
Thanks everyone,
MCMS PE Department
CONGRATS MCMS Soccer team. We just won 1st round of sectionals in a SHOOT OUT. Way to go Warriors